
Conference and Workshop Topics

Positive Risk-taking for Powerful Results

Risk-taking is now an identified corporate value for proactive companies. Develop a positive attitude toward risk-taking and learn how to use the “Risk Cycle” to make wise choices. Participants will see the relationship of creativity, intuition and risk to innovation and learn how to get personal and corporate support for new ideas.

Bounce Back! Creating Resilience from Adversity

Discover methods for landing on your feet in the face of change. Develop a greater power of recovery, improve self-esteem and restore the ability to move on with excited commitment.

Speak.Easy–Panic-Free Presentation Skills

Assess the audience and present with confidence. Reva Nelson (a former professional actress (ACTRA and Equity) and Past President of CAPS Toronto) combines content with honest feedback and skill-building with humour.

SPEAK. PLUS, level two of this program, is for the experienced speaker.

Living Leadership

Empowering ourselves and others to take responsibility and work collaboratively impacts the bottom line. Exploring values, mind sets and authenticity leads to a dynamic, innovative organization.

(copyright titles and concepts, Reva Nelson, 2002)